The SiteGround Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) is an integral part of the SiteGround Terms of Service (“TOS”) and supplements the rules and guidelines for using our website and the Services outlined therein. 

By using our website and/or any Service you agree that you will NOT:

  • Violate, or encourage the violation of any applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, rules or any requirements of any applicable national or local authority/regulator;

  • Violate, or encourage the violation of the legal rights of others;

  • Engage in or instigate actions that cause harm to you, other SiteGround customers or any third party. Such actions include, but are not limited to, actions resulting in blacklisting any SiteGround IPs by any online spam or IP reputation database, actions resulting in DDoS attacks, etc.;

  • Engage in, promote or encourage illegal activity, including but not limited to child sexual exploitation, child abuse or terrorism or violence that can cause death, serious harm, or injury to individuals or groups of individuals;

  • Use the Services for any unlawful, invasive, infringing, defamatory or fraudulent purpose including Non-consensual Explicit Imagery (NCEI), violating intellectual property rights of others, phishing, or creating a pyramid scheme;

  • Gain unauthorized access to, disrupt, or impair the use of the Services, or the equipment used to provide the Services;

  • Make any inappropriate communication to any newsgroup, mailing list, chat facility, or another Internet forum and will not engage in mail bombing activities;

  • Make, attempt or allow any unauthorized access to SiteGround and/or third-party website(s), server infrastructures(s), hosting account(s), Customer Account(s) and/or Service(s);

  • Send messages through the use of our Services which do not comply with the applicable local and/or international laws and/or rules regulating matters regarding unsolicited emails, spam, online advertising, sales and marketing, privacy and security, defamation, copyright and trademark infringement, unfair and deceptive practices, etc.

  • Allow any remote code execution of malicious software;

  • Cause denial of service attacks, port scans or other endangering and invasive procedures against the server functionality, infrastructure and facilities used by us or the server functionality, infrastructure and facilities of other network hosts or Internet users;

  • Impersonate any person or entity. You will not forge the signature or other identifying mark or code of any other person or engage in any deceiving activity, including "spoofing";

  • Host websites related to high-risk activities where the interruption or malfunction of the Services could lead to serious consequences. Examples of high-risk activities include but are not limited to nuclear facilities, air traffic control, life and health support, etc.;

  • Host or operate an audio and/or video streaming service;

  • Distribute viruses, worms, Trojan horses, corrupted files, hoaxes, malware or other items of a destructive or deceptive nature;

  • Host websites that make use of cryptopools/contain mining scripts, promote cryptocurrency money-making in a forbidden/ fraudulent way, are crypto exchange and crypto-airdrop websites.

In the course of your use of the Services, your Customer Content will not:

  • infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other proprietary rights of any party;

  • profess hatred for particular social, ethnical, religious or other group;

  • contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, ransomware, spyware, adware, scareware, corrupted files, malware, or any other malicious software or programs that may interrupt, limit the functionality or destroy any software, hardware or equipment;

  • contain Illegal or Hacking/Phreaking Software (Warez);

  • contain any kind of proxy server or other traffic relaying programs;

  • promote illegal money making activities, multi-level marketing or similar activities;

  • contain torrent trackers, torrent portals or similar software;

  • be used to operate and contain peer-to-peer network systems and file sharing systems;

  • be pornographic, obscene, unlawfully harassing, or connected with child abuse or sex-related merchandising;

  • contain third-party private information and/or personal data (including but not limited to images, voice and any other personally identifiable information) processed without an appropriate legal basis;

  • advertise, encourage or give any kind of support to the use and/or sale of drugs and any related substances without permission by the government or other competent authority;

  • contain any data, material that is unlawful, abusive, threatening, harassing, or defamatory;

  • contain fake news, misleading, untruthful or inaccurate information.

SiteGround shall not provide legal advice referring to the compliance of Customer Content uploaded on or transmitted through the Services. You shall be solely responsible for verifying whether your Customer Content complies with any applicable law, including laws in jurisdictions where it is uploaded, hosted or accessed. If your use of the Services results in violation of the AUP, we may take corrective action, including deletion of Customer Content, suspension or termination of the respective Service, or termination of the Agreement with or without prior notice, with no refund. 

Any violation of our AUP may be reported to us at in accordance with our Policy for submission of complaints/notices.

Latest revision: February 05, 2024. Previous version may be found here.