How to Set Up MailPoet Newsletter Task Scheduler Cron on SiteGround
The MailPoet WordPress plugin has a built-in newsletter task scheduler, which is responsible for handling the email sending of the batches added to the plugin’s queue.
In order to function correctly, the newsletter task scheduler has to be triggered by an event.
The configuration options related to this trigger are available under the Advanced tab of MailPoet’s settings (Dashboard > MailPoet > Settings > Advanced).

By default, the newsletter task scheduler setting is set to Action Scheduler (or MailPoet’s own script for versions older than 3.89.0).
These options could lead to an increase of CPU consumption. If you are experiencing issues with high CPU usage of your SiteGround hosted site, we recommend you to choose the Server side cron setting.
To do this, navigate to your WordPress Dashboard -> Mailpoet -> Settings -> Advanced, select the Server side cron (Linux cron) option next to Newsletter task scheduler (cron) and copy the command listed in the text field below it. It should look similar to the following one:
php /home/customer/www/ /home/customer/www/

Next, log into your Site Tools panel and navigate to Devs > Cron jobs. Paste the command into the Command field, select Twice per hour from the Interval menu and click on Create.

With this, the process of setting up a server-side cron job for the Mailpoet’s newsletter task scheduler is complete.