Custom Hosting Packages and Roles for your Clients

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We are excited to introduce two newly released functionalities for our Cloud hosting plans working with Site Tools – the options to create Hosting Packages and define Client Roles. The Hosting Packages feature allows you to tailor the resources allocated to each of the sites hosted on your cloud, while the client role allows you to specify which site management tools will be available to your clients.
Customize the hosting resources of your clients

With the new Hosting Package feature you can create a custom hosting package for each of the websites hosted on your cloud. By default, every website on a cloud can use the cloud’s full capacity, but with the new feature, you can easily limit any website to the resources you consider appropriate. If you host multiple clients on a cloud plan, this feature will make it easier for you to provide a tailor-made hosting plan to each of them.
Manage the set of tools available to your clients

With the new Client Role feature, you can control which tools will be available to the clients hosted on your cloud. By default, all clients you create receive full access to all management tools in a white label version of our Site Tools. By creating custom roles and assigning them to your clients, you can choose which tools exactly to be included in the Site Tools of each of your clients.
Who has access to these features?
Тhe new features are available to our existing Cloud customers using Site Tools and new Cloud clients. If you are a SiteGround client and have a Cloud plan with WHM and cPanel, have no worry! We will be switching all our cloud users to Site Tools in the upcoming months and once we do, you will be able to take advantage of these functionalities, no later than March 2021.
Comments ( 45 )
Juicy. I'll be using that!
Dimitris Karapanagiotidis
Hello, Can we also manage the cpu usage to each of our clients websites, as a percent of our total resources?
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
The CPU usage is global for the Cloud account and can't be easily split between different Site Tools instances. We will soon release the Stats module which will give you detailed info about each site's usage so you can suspend ones going over the limits, upgrade the account, etc.
Dimitris Karapanagiotidis
This will be a great tool! We are waiting for it.
Hey, RE resource allocation, does this just cover what WHM offers or are you talking about CPU/RAM restrictions too? Also, is there a plan for a WHMCS module? I use WHM for a number of integrations with the cloud server which ideally would still be available.. e.g. auto-provisioning, suspension, stats reporting etc.. Thanks!
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
CPU and RAM usage can't be managed per site basis and are global resources for the Cloud account. As for your integrations, we have a public API on the roadmap but I don't know when exactly it will become available. The same goes for a billing software implementation similar to WHMCS.
Gary Wells
I hate that WHM is going away to your custom setup. This is really going to hurt your business.
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
Hey Gary, That's a step from the process of migration to Site Tools. We believe that with the new website-focused service and all the management tools we develope for it we provide a superior hosting product. With the new Roles & Capabilities functionality I believe you will enjoy the cloud service even more than before!
Thank you for these new features. Have you considered something similar to overdraft protection on cloud hosting? Something similar to a bank? We had an abnormal amount of traffic on our site and it was temporarily 503. Perhaps a monthly overdraft protection feature for very unusual times? Say once or twice a month max?
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
You are basically describing our Autoscaling feature. I am afraid we don't have plans to provide free autoscaling for such events but that's quite a good idea and I will share it on our meetings with the rest of the team!
Thank you for your reply! I will look into autoscaling.
Autoscaling dosent work on short spikes. I think gary has a good idea.
Love it!! Need it! Will pay good money for it!! (Autoscaling is not the same, this is better)
Stefanos Koufidis
Hi !!! Perfect !! I was waiting for that to come !!! Please how i can have that plan ? Thank you
I'm glad sitegrounds does these things so we can better package solutions for our customers. Almost makes me want to be an MSP. oh wait I think I am already lol.
Fabi Viola
You guys are awesome, just upgraded to cloud servers, this is a great feature for web agencies. Thanks keep on being awesome :)
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
Thabks, I'm glad you enjoy it, we had Agencies in mind when designed those and all your feedback is highly appreciated!
Is there a guide or reference on what package would be good for which kind of site (nr of visitors etc)? Maybe an idea to have some standard presets that are similar to your webhosting packages? I always struggle to setup this kind of package deals... Lookin forward to the goGeek version!
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
The custom Packages and Roles functionality doesn't cover resources - they are for the entire account. Ff you take a look at our shared and Cloud hosting pages, you will see rough number of visits each account is suitable for. Note that it greatly depends on the particular website so it is not possible to give a general number of visits per month for example that a hosting account can handle. Then you can split those resources between the number of sites you want to host on that account. I hope that this answers your question :)
I would be doing that exactly, thanks. But I can't seem to find any "number of visits" with the cloud hosting packages. I think that's why I asked this question in the first place, to have some ground of comparison.
Bytes Unlimited
I cant wait for this to come to GoGeek Shared Servers! Thank you!
Derby Chipandwe
Excellent solutions and service
These are the services I thought I was getting when I recently upgraded to the reseller plan but I haven't been able to find out how to set client settings or hosting packages anywhere on the site before this post. SMH...
Prodromos Kikas
Great feature for our hosting account with you. We have been waiting for this eagerly. It will add extra advantage for our customers wanting to have full control of their hosting account. Now we can also allocate resources better so that one account on server does not take most of the resources. Thank you. J.C.S.L Ltd
Steven Gliebe
Kudos to SiteGround. This is impressive.
Francis Ak
This sounds amazing, if I may ask how soon is the GoGeek plan going to a beneficiary of this custom roles feature?
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
Yes :) We plan on adding it to the GoGeek too!
I cant wait for this to come to GoGeek Shared Servers! Thank you!
John F
what about clients being able to manage their user names and passwords for their employees, etc?
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
If I udnerstant correctly, you're asking about access to your site. People usually grant this access to websites and organize data access in it.
Alvaro Guevara
I just got switched to the new interface.... and so far, "add user" doesnt work on my GrowBig acct, and it seems like Siteground is getting out the Support business? Making near impossible to ask a simple question. Not impressed
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
You can click on the question mark icon on every page (top right corner) and go to View Help Center. From there you can check our tutorials and articles and contact our support team as well.
Richer Lock
Hi, this is great... Can we set the due date for our custom client as well? Eg: Client A will expired on 31 May 2020. Turn it off after 7 days if not activate it.
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
I am afraid that we don't plan adding such functionality soon. That's more something that should be part of the software you use to bill your customers.
Korede Oloke
Will this feature be available for wordpress hosting soon?
Marina Yordanova Siteground Team
This feature is available only on Cloud plans, not on shared.
Where is the white label options then? i.e. ability to mask the control panel domain and custom branding Without that it's just another control panel from a hosting provider.
Hristo Pandjarov Siteground Team
All Client roles receive a whitelabeled version of Site Tools. Add users as Clients to a site and they will not see the SiteGround branding.
Next step will be e-mail notice when the client almost reach the storage. This is needed to provide good hosting service
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
We agree with you, Gerben. That is why we have automated email notifications scheduled for warning the account owners once the disk usage is near the storage quota.
Hello Siteground Please how will my clients pay for hosting?
Gergana Zhecheva Siteground Team
Excellent question, Jean! The Client roles feature we provide you ensures a complete white-label experience. Therefore, your clients will not be invoiced by us as a service provider. You can arrange and present the billing of your clients in any way you find suitable.
in this package can i assign specific server by separate user ?
Lina Asenova Siteground Team
Hey there, thanks for your question. Our customer roles and packages offer significant flexibility in managing how resources are distributed per user. To ensure we provide you with the most accurate and helpful information, we need more information on what you're aiming to achieve. Therefore, we recommend reaching out directly to our support team. They are available 24/7 and would be more than happy to answer all your questions. Here are the steps to contact us: We look forward to hearing from you!
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